The Abortion Pill

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How does the abortion pill work?

The first step is to learn about the options and resources available to you. It's important to know the details about medical abortion. After that, you will go through a medical exam which includes:

  • Medical history
  • Lab work
  • Physical exam

After the medical exam, you will need to sign a liability release. Your abortion provider should give you a guide that explains the medication and termination process. The 3-step abortion pill process includes the following:

Take Mifepristone:

This is a medication used to block progesterone. Progesterone is one of the necessary pregnancy hormones for the uterus’ ability to support a pregnancy. Mifepristone blocks your body’s ability to recognize progesterone by the uterus, causing the uterine lining to break down and ending the life of the developing embryo. If you change your mind about the abortion and decide to carry the baby to term, you may reverse the effects of Mifepristone with the Abortion Pill Reversal protocol (Call 877-558-0333 if you would like to reverse your medical abortion).

Take Misoprostol:

Misoprostol is taken specifically so that the uterus contracts and expels the embryo, embryonic sac, and lining of the uterus. This expels the developing baby from your vagina. This process usually takes between 24-48 hours and is often accompanied by heavy bleeding, strong uterine cramping, and other potential symptoms (see 'What are the risks of the abortion pill' below).

Return to Clinic:

You will need to return to the abortion clinic for a follow-up exam 2 weeks after taking Misoprostol to confirm whether or not the medical abortion was fully successful (this is a very important step because if the abortion was not fully complete, then any parts left behind could cause an infection and have permanent effects).

What should I expect during the medical abortion process?

As soon as you take the second medication Misoprostol, you should prepare to experience heavy bleeding, cramping, and possibly other symptoms as well.

Although it's possible to experience some light bleeding before taking the second medication, the majority of heavy bleeding and cramping happens after the second pill. Additional symptoms or side effects you may experience include:

  • Dizziness
  • Intense cramping
  • Nausea (potentially with vomiting)
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain in addition to cramping
  • Mild fever or chills
  • Light lactation

The abortion pill is effective the majority of the time. The rate of failure is between 2% and 8% (1). Successful termination is more likely if you are in the early stages of your pregnancy. Even though it can be dangerous to take abortion medications later in pregnancy or outside of the intended approval period, you have time to make this very important decision. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation of your specific circumstances.

If the abortion attempt fails, you have options: consider carrying the baby to term which includes the options of parenting yourself or choosing the baby’s parents via adoption. The other option is to return to the clinic for a second attempt at a medical abortion or more than likely, a surgical operation.

Know what the abortion laws are according to your state.

How effective is the abortion pill?

How much does the abortion pill cost?

Medical abortion cost ranges from around $300 up to $800. Things that can make the cost of abortion less or more expensive are:

  • Lab work
  • Office visits
  • Types of testing
  • Region of country you are in

If the abortion pill fails and your pregnancy continues, you will also have to pay for a second abortion procedure. Contact us to confidentially talk about your specific circumstances.

What are the risks of the abortion pill?

Like any medical procedure, there are definitely risks with the abortion pill. Incomplete abortion is a risk, which could lead to a second procedure with additional side effects.

Medical abortion risks include:

  • An allergic reaction
  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Heavy bleeding
  • A continued pregnancy

Severe reactions to the medication could be fatal. An infection or ectopic pregnancy may be severe enough to be life-threatening. The abortion pill does NOT end or treat an ectopic pregnancy.

It is crucial that you contact your abortion provider if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Excessive bleeding that fills up more than 2 pads within 1 hour and occurs for 2 hours or more.
  • Blood clots that occur for 2 hours or more
  • A fever of 100.4°F or higher
  • Nausea (with or without vomiting) that lasts for more than 24 hours
  • Diarrhea that lasts for more than 24 hours
  • Bad smelling discharge
  • Pregnancy symptoms
  • Extreme depression and/or suicidal thoughts

Questions to ask before taking the abortion pill

Before making a decision, make sure to ask the following questions regarding the abortion pill process:

  • If the abortion pill does not work, is there an additional charge to complete the abortion surgically?
  • If there is excessive bleeding or problems that require after hours care, is the provider able to see me – not just over the phone – instead of going to the ER?

Is the Pill Right for You?

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